Ace the Chicago/Illinois Security Guard PERC Test 2024 – Shield Up and Secure Your Success!

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People under the influence of drugs and alcohol should be treated with

Moderate caution


Extreme caution

People under the influence of drugs and alcohol can exhibit unpredictable and potentially dangerous behavior. Therefore, extreme caution is necessary when interacting with them to ensure the safety of both parties. Option A, moderate caution, may not be enough to handle a situation that could quickly escalate due to the individual's impaired judgement. Option B, ease, could be interpreted as being too relaxed and not taking necessary precautions. Option D, all of the above, is incorrect because while both A and C involve some level of caution, they are not equally appropriate in this situation. It is important to remember that the safety and well-being of everyone involved should be the top priority when dealing with an individual who is under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

All of the above


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